Go to the 3voor12 Luisterpaal! STREAM & TURN IT UP!
Fresh from The Press
REVIEWS The first reviews on our debut album are being published as we speak. And it seems like the press digs it! – Dutch rockzine Lust For Life honors the album with four out of five stars and says ‘this album is so tough, I just might get me a tattoo’. Sure thing! Zine will…
11-11-11 Ticket Give Aways
Presales for 11-11-11 are going very well, so we organised some ticket give aways to celebrate this! Follow the links to try your luck: – Podiuminfo.nl | 3×2 tickets – 3voor12 Arnhem/Nijmegen | 2×2 tickets – BBR FaceBook page | 2 tickets
Sneak peak
We’re getting closer to the 11-11-11 releaseparty and that means you can almost get your hands on this little piece of R’N’R! Almost fifty minutes of Southern R’N’R, eleven BBR originals. What about the out-of-limits speedster Doin’ Fine, the mastodontic boogie Exit Spoiler, the slide-grindin’ In The Balance and of course BBR’s anthem to keep y’all psyched: Stay Hungry. Psychedelics, ballads and acoustics are…
On the road again! Some dates for ya
While we’re busy preparing for the releasetour – as you can see in this pic – our booking agency SOZ Concerts is doing a fine job in setting up the dates! Here are the first gigs, more to follow 05-11-2011 | Helmond, Muziekcafé | Try-out 11-11-2011 | Nijmegen, Doornroosje | ALBUM RELEASE SHOW, NL 12-11-2011…
Releaseparty: Friday 11-11-11 @ Doornroosje, Nijmegen
This nite isn’t called “An Evening With BBR” for nothing. It will be something different for y’all… We’ll be excellent hosts and we’ve got some nice surprises for the ears, eyes and bellies! Hints will follow thru our FaceBook page, as well as some give-aways. Click on the poster to visit the Doornroosje website and get…
Video-launch-BBQ-matinee for invited
BBR organised a BBQ for some friends last Sunday. It was our way of thanking the folks that helped us over the years. Plus it was a nice way to present our video of ‘Bright Light City’ to some people we wanted to welcome in our team. Of course this matinee was drenched with gallons of Texas Pete…
BBR & SOZ Concerts
Cheerleaders & Hellraisers! Good news: Black Bottle Riot signed with SOZ Bookings! Contact Kevin at kevin@sozconcerts.nl if you need some cracks in your wall. Guaranteed. Check back soon to find out when we’ll release our debut album. It’s gonna be KILLER. More updates on our FaceBook page. Cheers, BBR
Turn it up! Here’s something for ya!
Here’s the first thing you’ll hear of our upcoming album… BRIGHT LIGHT CITY! Black Bottle Riot – Bright Light City (Suburban Records)
BBR & Suburban Records
Hey Chickenwings & Drumsticks! Our debut album will be released thru Suburban Records! Last Sunday we inked our deal at Studio Barbarossa and we’re looking forward to working together with these rocking maniacs. More news on release date & release party, artwork and our new booking agency will follow soon. Follow us on FaceBook!
Lotsa news about our Debut Album comin’ up!
We’ve been working a lot behind the scenes lately. And not without result, we’re glad to say! The release of our debut album will happen in November 2011! Very soon we’ll update our website and FaceBook page with exact info about the release. Info will follow about… – with which label will we…
BBR & AUC Bookings
While working hard on our debut album, we’re also making sure Black Bottle Riot will be rockin’ you off your socks soon enough. So we’re glad to announce that from this moment on, all our bookings will be taken care of by AUC Bookings. From now on you can contact Sam Frijhoff if you want to make sure our R’N’R party is comin’ to your…
HOTDAMN. Thank you. Rockin’ Park & Zwarte Cross were TOTALLY INSANE. Check this feature about Black Bottle Riot doin’ the Rockin’ Park gig, with some live video material and interviews as well. Here are some cool articles on BBR’s summer festival gigs: – Article…
Time to catch up with y’all
Howdee friends! Hope you all are doing well. BBR sure is, too! We REALLY have to catch up with you guys, been a long time since we added some news on our website. That doesn’t mean we’re scratching our balls. Here’s some news and there soon will be more. Recording process First off, we’re having one…
Some weeks booked @ Studio Barbarossa
Great news: Black Bottle Riot will hit the studio this December and January! After a year and a half of playing gigs, jamming in our rehearsal barn and perfecting our sound and songs we’re ready to record our debut album. This means that we won’t be onstage ’till the end of January 2010 (Oudewater…
3voor12: “These guys get better and better”
Summer 2009 We hope you’re all enjoying a good summer. Black Bottle Riot certainly has a creative summer! We’re working on a lot of new stuff: waking up with some kick-ass riffs, arranging songs and writing some lowdown lyrics. Slowly – yes, slowly – BBR is working towards a debut album. Early September we’ll be…
Double Trouble from the Road
Black Bottle Riot had two great nights in a row. Friday’s Nijmegen Rock City (NRC) Launch Party with our friends of Barbarella and Navarone was an absolutely rockin’ blast! Merleyn was packed on this SOLD OUT nite. Yeah baby! NRC is on the map. Here’s Friday’s 3voor12 review. Saturday’s Party was Killer. Black Bottle…
BBR joins Popronde this year
Black Bottle Riot is one of the 100 selected bands for Popronde 2009. For those who are not familiar with Popronde: this is not just another festival. Popronde is a travelling music festival, in which 100 bands and artists will take over 23 Dutch cities. Each city has its’ own date, each city has its’…
Sharp Dressed Men & more news
New shirts We have a new T-Shirt design. it’s made by designer Wytse Sterk. Shirts are available in two colors. Orange on brown and yellow on black. For the ladies we have a stylish lightblue shirt with white print. Shirts are already selling like crazy, so be quick. For 10 Euro’s (ex postage) you’re all…
Live video of “In The Balance”
Here’s a cool video of Black Bottle Riot rocking the 2009 Sneeuwpop fest. It was quite an amp conference. Enjoy, bitches!
3voor12: “BBR pulls it off again”
Whoppa, check this review on 3voor12 about our gig in Merleyn. Love.
News from the road
Wooooow… Thanx to all the folks who showed up @ Plein 79, Den Bosch, last Sunday! It was one hell of a rockin’ matinee: lotsa amps, lotsa decibels, lotsa good times. It’s always a pleasure to pay a visit to Plein 79, especially when the place is filled with rockin’ folks like yesterday. We played…
Studioreport: new tracks comin’ up
Howdee friends! Last week Black Bottle Riot recorded two originals at the Trailer Trash Studios. They’re called In The Balance and Exit Spoiler. Here’s a short studioreport on the three days we spent in the Trailer Trash Hole – shaping sounds, placing mics, having a good time, puttin’ up a fight, smokin’ some, drinkin’ some,…
First gig with Pieter was CRUSHIN’
Howdee music lovers! Last weekend we had our first gig with Pieter on drums. It was a cool Sunday Matinee @ De Zaak, Lichtenvoorde, organised by our friend Wout from The Bloody Honkies. Birth of Joy kicked it off ’round 1700h and they did a damn fine job! Some good MC5 meets Blue Cheer…
Pieter owns the fucking place
New Black Bottle Riot drummer Pieter Hendriks definitely wins the Award for Coolest First News Item. View these pics of his brand new drumsticks! No explanation needed. So… Make sure you get your ass to our next gig for some earcrushing Rock ‘N’ Roll. This will be Pieter’s first BBR gig and it will…
New drummer! Welcome Pieter Hendriks!
Black Bottle Riot is very proud to announce their new drummer. His name is Pieter Hendriks. Pieter is an extremely talented and experienced musician. You might know him from one of his previous bands (to name a few: Born From Pain, Close Second and Johnny Cash tribute act The Orange Blossom Special). This is…
More raving reviews
Friends, thanx for a couple of awesome dates. There are a lot of websites with reviews and pics of the gigs, we can’t list ’em all here. Cool stuff! Some links for the eager readers: here’s a review by 3voor12 on De Affaire gig and some audio from that same gig. Plus a very complimentary review by FileUnder…
3voor12: “Hallelujah! Ethan Miller is God and Black Bottle Riot are His Sons!”
Hey folks! Y’all recovered from the afterparty of our gig in Merleyn? Hair of the dog? Same here… But it was definitely worth it. Hotdamn, this was a good night for the Soul of Rock! Here’s some thoughtful poetry from 3voor12 about this nite.
BBR crankin’ it up this summer
A short message from BBR HQ: Black Bottle Riot will be playing a couple of outdoor gigs this summer. BBR will rock De Affaire, Huntenpop and Appelpop! Be sure to get upfront, point your finger and sing along. Because we will kick your ass.
New gigs! Grab your filofax!
June 27, 2008 @ Merleyn, Nijmegen, Gelderland. Show in Nijmegen’s rockinest Merleyn. Cool rock night with Howlin Rain from the US of A. These guys toured with QOTSA a couple of months ago and they will be touring with The Black Crowes later this year. Be there or be square. August 1, 2008 @…
Lords of Metal Review
Hey Buffalos and Cheerleaders, check out this raving review of our gig last Tuesday @ NDRGRND!
First of all: Thanks to everybody who showed up last Tuesday in the NDRGRND in Nijmegen! It was a fantastic evening. As the place was getting pretty packed Lea took the stage. Armed with just her guitar and her voice Lea played a beautiful set. Her songs are breathtaking and she really shines on stage.…
Hair of the Dog… But what a night!
AAAAARGH… Where are my keys? Where’s my wallet? Waking up this morning was not as peaceful as I hoped it would be. Couldn’t find my regular stuff. I must have been really wasted last night… We played The Maddogs in Groesbeek.
What’s up with that?
Black Bottle Riot is in the game, but what’s up with that name? Since we get a lot of questions about our name, we’ll come to meet your demands. BBR at your service! Apart from the obvious mixture of a Southern vibe in “Black Bottle” & the hint of punky energy in the “Riot”…
First gig was a blast!
Last night Black Bottle Riot had its first gig at the always chillin’ & thrillin’ Plu Pub in Nijmegen! This was a good showcase for us, as we had the honour of playing at the 62nd birthday of our good pal Bas Aaftink. (Don’t be fooled by his looks or chit-chat, he IS that old.) …
BBR records first demo
Last week BBR recorded four originals for their upcoming EP “Stay Hungry”. Here’s some info on the first day in the studio… We decided to have an early start. While “early” isn’t really a word that fits the band, we managed to get to Hilversum at 10 A.M. sharp. First we had to take all the gear into…
BBR online
…Black Bottle Riot salutes you! Welcome to the website of Black Bottle Riot, a brand new rockband from Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Online since Saturday February 20th 2008. BBR consists of four balls-to-the-wall rockers that have a common goal: to bring back Rock ‘N’ Roll as it was meant to be. This doesn’t mean that the boys live…