Dear friends, starting today we’ll hit the road again! We’re very excited now we can reach out to YOU, having spent the last months rehearsing at De Basis, recording and mixing at Galloway Studio, finally mastering at Hofa Studio in Germany… and now we’ve completed ‘FIRE’, our 4th album to date, we can warm up ourselves on the road. Release of ‘FIRE’ will be early 2019. More info to follow on that one.
As of now, we have booked some twelve or thirteen shows allover the Netherlands – not all are announced yet – so check if you can make it to one, two, three or all of the shows 😉 This Fall’s tour will wrap it up at Doornroosje where we’ll celebrate 10 years of… running around, buzzing supersound, groovin’ profound, chasing the hellhound, standing our ground… you know, we’ll just build one helluva party – BBR style!
Here’s an oldie, from our first gig ever:

See you around the block! -SMJM-